Kiwi Times NZ
Wholly owned subsidiary of
PUGUA' International Corporation
Auckland, New Zealand
Ancient Wisdom
Compiled by Krista Cepeda
Features Reporter
“Minds debate while souls relate”
“The honor of one is the honor of all, The hurt of one is the hurt of all.”
“A society that requires addiction for its existence is afraid to look at the reasons behind this need.”
“Death takes too much importance when one is not participating in life”
“Science comes in many forms”
“We are all spiritual beings who can learn from each other”
“When my currency is proverbs, I am very rich”
“Wealth is having many relations”
“I do know one thing, Greed and selfishness will destroy me”
“When I know my place, I respect the place of others”
“Participating in change is much different from trying to impose it”
“My place to stand”
“Belief is participation. Spirituality is participation. Only when we participate are we in touch with the spiritual”
“Open hearts have a way of soothing closed minds”
“Our need to know keeps us from learning so much”
“Being in my world lets my world into me”
“Aloha is a way of being, not a way of doing”
“Humor is life's leavening. Without it, our souls don't rise”
“Respect is the key to living”
“I am the only real limit placed upon me”
“There is so much we do not know”
“Let us put our money where our wealth is”
“When unseen forces are ignored, we miss a big part of the picture”
“Knowledge, information and understanding are dangerous without compassion”
“Life is circular”
Spirituality is easy. It's religions that cause problems”
“When I learn to listen to nature, I am never lost”
“Pondering is a good thing”
“Materialism is a disease among us and it is killing us”
“How can we learn anything if we try to destroy everything we don't understand?”
“There are so many mysteries”
“There is wisdom in attraction, not promotion”
“Is it any wonder that honesty is not a cultural value in Western society?”
“Nothing is as simple or as complex as it seems”
“Lots of questions. Not very many answers”
“Do not take rocks from Hawaii”
“We can know the future only in the laughter of healthy children”
“In the absence of the sacred – everything is for sale and life has no value”
“Lots of information in books. Lots of wisdom in people. Both are necessary”
“No family can heal without community”
“Measure twice and cut once”
“I am the one who imposes limits – not the world around me.”
“There are many views of leadership”
“Healing starts with me”
“What is lost when my culture and my roots are lost to me?”
“In a world aching for intimacy, we have a lot to learn about relationship”
“Money is not real. It is symbolic”
“Knowing the unseen...What a comfort”
“A questioning man is halfway to being wise”
“Forgiveness start with the self”
“When I stumble with the toe, I fall down. When I stumble with the tongue, I invite disaster”
“The best knowledge comes from inside”
“intimacy, real intimacy is always out of control”
“listen, listen, listen. We have much to learn”
“You don't have to be white to have a white mind”
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